BSSL Reservation Policy
BSSL primarily services Binghamton University Student Association groups and University affiliated organizations. We will consider requests for services to parties outside of the university on a case by case basis.
Reservations and Bookings
To make a new reservation, you may do so until two Mondays prior to the event without incurring a fee.
A reservation is not complete until it has been signed for.
Event Expectations
The Event Coordinator will have the location reserved, and be present at the event location, by the “Arrival Time”, and will be present for the duration of the event.
“Shop Time” is when BSSL employees report for work and begin making preparations for the event. You will not see the employees at this time, it is only used internally and to calculate the hourly labor quantity. “Arrival Time” is when the employees will arrive to the event venue with all of the equipment, and will then begin setting up the equipment. The Promoter is expected to be at the venue at this time in case the engineers have questions regarding the setup. “Setup by Time” is the time at which the engineers will have the sound and/or lighting system(s) fully operational, and ready for run-through, sound check, etc. “Show Start Time” is when the show is expected to begin. “Show End Time” is the time at which the show is expected to end, and when the engineers will begin to pack up the systems. “Load Out End Time” is the time at which the engineers will have the system(s) packed up and returned to our equipment shop, and then unloaded and finally clock out.
The minimum amount of time between “Setup by Time” and “Show Start Time” will be half an hour for all events. For events with the “Live Act Package”, the minimum time between “Setup by Time” and “Show Start Time” is one hour to account for soundcheck. For events with the “Deluxe Live Act Package”, the minimum time between “Setup by Time” and “Show Start Time” will be 1.5 Hours
Any music or audio that is to be played during the event is to be played via a laptop/phone/ipod/DJ controller. BSSL does not provide a device to play music from, nor do we accept digital files. If you wish for audio files to be played, you must provide a representative to stay with the engineers throughout the show with the necessary device. In limited cases, audio may be cued by the engineer in place of a client's representative using the client's device at the engineer's discretion (this is the exception, not the rule). We very highly recommend that you download the files to be played onto your computer/device’s hard drive and do NOT stream them from sources such as Youtube, Spotify, Google Drive or any other streaming services as Wifi is not reliable and there have been many instances of ruined performances due to event promoters not downloading the requisite audio files. Our system is capable of accepting a standard headphone/aux jack (3.5mm), XLR, ¼ inch, and RCA. A limited number of iPhone Lightning-to-headphone converters are available upon request as a convenience.
Events that start later than the agreed upon “Show Start Time” will not have the “Show End Time” adjusted, and remaining time commitments are still expected to be honored.
Engineers are not required to work more than 15 minutes past the “Show End Time”. Engineers reserve the right to shut down the system and begin packing up 15 minutes after the “Show End Time”, even if the promoter wishes to pay overtime rates. This is to protect our employees from being forced to work later than contracted. To prevent an untimely seizure of services, we recommend giving honest and realistic end times during the booking process. If the engineers agree to work beyond contracted hours, the promoter will be billed the overtime rate for time beyond the “Show End Time” in one hour increments. The overtime rate is $20/Hour, plus hourly labor for each BSSL employee present.
BSSL engineers will be the only people permitted to use the sound/lighting consoles during the event, unless an engineer is specified on a rider pre-approved by the Technical Director. Members of the promoter’s group, performers or hired sound/lighting engineers will not be permitted to make use of the sound/lighting consoles in any way.
BSSL engineers reserve the right to shut down all services should they feel threatened while at work, and in unsafe conditions. In the event of a fire/CO alarm, BSSL employees are instructed to seize all services and clear the room. Expected end time will still be honored in terms of the employee’s obligation to work, but will be reconsidered for billing purposes. Refunds will be considered on a case-by-case basis at BSSL’s discretion.
BSSL employees will not help with setup/changeover for events with any equipment other than BSSL sound/lighting equipment without prior discussion/approval.
Fee Schedule
Service / Date Applied |
After end of business two Friday's prior to event |
After end of business one Friday prior to event |
Within 48 - 24 Hours of event |
Booking an eventmay be done until two Mondays prior to the event without incurring a fee. Booking a system between one and two Mondays prior to the event will incur an additional 25% fee. |
25% Fee |
50% fee & At discretion of BSSL (Except D Sound) |
Not Possible |
Changing Systemsbetween one and two Mondays prior to the event may be done so without incurring a fee. Changing a system (Downgrades ONLY) between one Monday and 48 hours prior will incur an additional 15% fee of the canceled system (for example, if you have medium lights booked and you change to small lights, you will be charged for small lights and 15% of medium lights). Systems may not be changed within 48 hours of the event. |
Free |
15% of previous system |
Not Possible |
Changing Time/Locationmay be done before one monday prior to the event without incurring a fee. Changing the time or location of your event between one Monday and 48 hours prior will incur an additional 15% fee. Changing the event time or location between 48 and 24 hours prior to the event will incur a 25% fee. Show times/locations may not be changed and systems changes may not be made within 24 hours of the event. |
Free |
15% Fee |
25% Fee |
Canceling an Eventmay be done up to one Monday prior to the event without incurring a fee. Canceling an event between one Monday and 48 hours prior to the event will incur a 25% fee. Canceling an event between 24 and 48 hours prior to the event will incur a 50% fee. Any cancellations done the day of the event, or if the promoter neglects to inform BSSL of the event being canceled, the group will be charged an additional 100% fee. |
Free |
25% Fee |
50% (100% if <24 Hours) |
Accessoriescan be added up to 48 hours prior to an event. Adding accessories between 24 and 48 hours prior to the event will incur an additional 50% fee of the accessory price. Adding accessories the day of the event will incur an additional 100% fee of the accessory price. The engineer reserves the right to refuse an added accessory on the day of the event, as it may jeopardize “Set-up by time”. |
Free |
Free |
50% (100% if day of) |
BSSL will not consider refunds on the basis of missed lighting cues. In order to make sure lighting cues are not missed, we recommend having an in-depth document noting all desired cues printed out for the lighting engineer on the day of the show.
BSSL will not be held responsible for any losses due to equipment failure. The promoter shall be held responsible for the cost of repairing or replacing any equipment damaged or stolen while at the event location. A $200 fee will be issued if BSSL equipment is damaged, spilled on, touched by anyone other than a BSSL employee, or neglected in general by event promoters or attendees.
Refunds will not be considered unless the services rendered differ from what was stated on the signed reservation, and all refunds are at BSSL’s discretion. Refunds will also not exceed any flat-rate fees, unless entire sound/lighting services were missing, in which case the customer is entitled to a full refund of all of that particular system’s fees. Charges for labor of employees that were present will not be considered for refund.
Non SA groups are required to pay in full at least 2 business days prior to an agreed upon event. BSSL prefers and reserves the right to request payment in full prior to signing of an agreement. This may be done via outright payment or written approval of payment at a pre-defined later date with valid reasoning. All groups that fail to do so will be assessed a 10% additional fee.
Invoices paid more than 2 weeks after receipt are subject to an additional 30% late fee.
Staging and Large Events
Stage Services must be requested 3 Mondays in advance for non-University Union or Physical Facilities stages, in order to avoid a 50% late fee.
Stages requested with between 1 and 2 Mondays notice will be charged a 100% late fee. Stages requested with less than 1 Mondays notice will not be considered, and BSSL will not work at an event in which we are not involved with the staging reservation process for safety reasons.
Rider Fulfillment can be very expensive. If your event plans on contracting a professional performer to be present at your event, BSSL very highly recommends giving a copy of the group’s rider to our Technical Director for a fulfillment estimate before signing a contract with any performers. Once a contract is signed, BSSL will fulfill the rider as specified, or agreed upon if contact was made beforehand, and is not responsible for the costs if a group is unable to afford the rider. The promoter is expected to put the Technical Director in contact with the performer’s tour manager and sound engineer as soon as they are able so that the Technical Director can give an estimate and make acceptable arrangements for rider fulfillment in a timely manner. BSSL will not make any commitments in terms of rider fulfillment without an itemized quote and the approval of the promoter.
Subcontracted Equipment must be requested before 2 Mondays prior to the event date in order to avoid a 50% Late Fee. If BSSL is not capable of providing every aspect of the production needs, we will reach out to other vendors to acquire the needed equipment. This includes items that BSSL normally has in stock but has been reserved by another group for the same date as your event, which is why we encourage signing your reservation in person as soon as possible.
Other Vendors will not be present at the event location without prior approval from BSSL. We will happily work alongside other vendors as long as we have notice 2 Mondays prior to the event. In order to ensure electrical safety, BSSL engineers will refuse service and leave the event location if there are other vendors contracted without prior approval, such as DJ’s with their own sound/lighting equipment, or for uplighting, as we cannot guarantee that there will be enough power to accommodate both vendors in the room. We would also like to point out that BSSL is capable of many of the same services that other vendors are, and will also gladly make arrangements with outside vendors to guarantee safe work conditions, and to make things easier for event promoters. Refunds will not be considered if the promoter failed to make BSSL aware of the intent to use another vendor.
Outdoor events
Outdoor events require the assistance of our Technical Director. The promoter must arrange for 20A circuit generators and a stage or riser, for BSSL’s use, through Physical Facilities. BSSL will not work at an outdoors event unless there are arrangements for a generator and stage through physical facilities, or through BSSL if a large stage is requested. BSSL will notify the promoter if there is a 40% or greater chance of rain forecasted for the date of the event 5 days prior. A rain cancellation may be put into effect at BSSL’s discretion if there is a 30% or greater chance of rain 2 days prior. BSSL is willing to reschedule in the case of a rain cancellation, and will not charge for services not rendered. We recommend a rain date/location for all outdoor events. Events can also be canceled day-of, if grounds are deemed unsuitable, such as if mud/puddles are present, and this is at the Engineer’s discretion.
*BSSL will not work at Binghamton or Vestal American Legion Outposts for power safety reasons.
- The “Promoter” and “Event Coordinator” refers to the organization, or any representative(s) from the organization, hiring Binghamton Sound, Staging and Lighting’s services.
- “BSSL” refers to Binghamton Sound, Staging and Lighting.
- “Engineer” refers to the BSSL employee(s) that are in charge of running the sound and/or lighting systems contracted.
- “Shop Time”, “Arrival Time”, “Set up by Time”, “Show Start Time”, “Show End Time”, and “Load Out End Time” all refer to the times that are present on the signed reservation contract, and extended hours will be determined based on these times.